Finding lifes meaning can keep us healthy as we age1

5 years ago    By Admin


The older people get, the more their lives might change. For example, their friends and relatives may reach the ends of their lives, and peoples careers may begin to wind down.

According to a new study paper appearing in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, crossing this threshold reawakens people\\\\\\\'s need to find meaning in life.

The study, which researchers at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine conducted, finds a link between having a sense of meaning and positive physical, mental, and cognitive functioning.

\\\\\\\"Those with meaning in life are happier and healthier than those without it,\\\\\\\" says senior study author Dilip V. Jeste.

A new priority


Although a search for meaning may be on our minds at various times in our lives, the new study suggests that when our lives are full of family, friends, and careers, it tends to fade into the background.